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Last updated on May 6, 2022

A word, whether simple or complex, can be fully reduplicated. It involves repeating the entire word where the two parts of the word are separated by a hyphen. It can be the plural form or mean something else.

As a single base word

  • kupu (no such word) kupu-kupu (butterfly)

Indicate Plurality

  • mobil (car) mobil-mobil (cars)

Produce Different Meaning

Reduplication may produce a meaning which is different but nevertheless related to the meaning of the single base(root word), or similarity.

  • tiba (arrive) tiba-tiba (suddenly)

Reduplication of  Verbs

  • jalan (sit) jalan-jalan (stroll, going for a walk)
  • Saya mau jalan ke mal. I walk to the mall. (with intention to buy or look for something)
  • Saya mau jalan jalan ke mal. I want to stroll to the mall. (no specific intention, just look around, browsing, window shopping).

Reduplication of Adjectives

  • mahal (expensive) mahal-mahal (most of them are expensive)
  • Barang di toko itu mahal.(The stuff in that store is expensive.)
  • Barang di toko itu mahal-mahal.(All the stuff in that store are very expensive).

Partial Reduplication

Partial reduplication occurs only with bases(root words) which begin with a consonant. It involves placing before the base a syllable consisting of the first consonant of the base followed by ‘e’.

  • tangga (ladder)  tetangga (neighbor)

Imitative Reduplication

In imitative reduplication the two parts of the word are not identical, though they are similar. Nouns, adjectives and verbs can all undergo imitative reduplication. The variation between the two parts of the word can involve either consonants or vowels.

  • kaya (rich)  kaya-raya (very rich)

For a more comprehensive explanation on Indonesian Reduplications, how they are formed and how to use them please click here.

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