Last updated on January 20, 2024
Indonesians prepositions are:
Di: to indicate a place, we use the particle di. It can mean in, on, or at.
- Gelas saya ada di meja.
- My glass is (in/on/at) [the] table.
Pada: to indicate the existence of a noun at someone. This preposition is also used for time, for example
- Kuncimu ada pada Budi
- Your key is at Budi. (literally) – Budi has your book
- Pada pukul lima pagi. (At 5 am)
- Pada tanggal 20 Juli. (On 20 July)
- Pada hari Minggu. (On Sunday)
- Pada tahun 2000. (in 2000)
Ke: to indicate the notion of to a place. It is often coupled with the word “pergi”, which means to go.
- Saya pergi ke pasar.
- I go to [the] market.
Dari: almost synonymous with from in English. It is to indicate the origin of something.
- Dia datang dari Australia.
- He/she comes from Australia.
Untuk: is almost synonymous with for.
- Kue ini untukmu
- This cake is for you.