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‘pe- + -an’ to create an abstract noun

Both confix ‘pe-… -an’ and per- -an create an abstract noun (things we cannot touch, see or feel) that indicates the process of performing the action of what the verb refers to. Some are noun based, some come from verb.

pe- + -an

The confix ‘pe-… -an’ creates an abstract noun (things we cannot touch, see or feel) that indicates the process of performing the action of what the verb refers to.

This is rather different from many ke-an words which are also abstract nouns, but in which no ‘action’ is implied. However, not all pe- -an words come from verbs. Some are noun-based, which makes them more like ke-an nouns.

Verbmeaningadd suffix -anmeaningadd prefix pe-meaning
pakaito usepakaianclothespemakaianuse, usage
bacato readbacaanreading stuffpembacaanreading
tulisto writetulisanwritingpenulisanthe writing of
kirimto sendkirimanshipment, parcel, consignmentpengirimandispatch

Most pe- + -an words are derived from prefixed me- verbs. This is why the sound changes in me- verbs are also found in pe- + -an words. 

prefix me-meaningconfix pe- + -anmeaning
belimembelito buypembelianpurchase
ciummenciumto kisspenciumansense of smell
dengarmendengarto hearpendengaransense of hearing
lihatmelihatto seepenglihataneyesight
jualmenjualto sellpenjualansales


The following noun words are not formed by confix but through a morphological process.

Root WordMeaningpe – anMeaning
ragabody, show offperagaanshow, display, modeling, exhibition
tinggalremainpeninggalanestate, inheritance
dapatearn, getpendapatanincome, acquisition
tekanpressurepenekananpressing, emphasizing
sumbatplug, stooperpenyumbatanclogging, blockage
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