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Non Agentive

Newspaper headlines are full of non-agentive passive sentences where doers are omitted, because they are understood or not important to the readers.

  • Subsidi upah pekerja segera disalurkan.
  • Workers’ wage subsidy to be distributed soon.

Dua polisi ditindak.

Two policemen were disciplined.

Supaya mudah dibaca, tulislah besar-besar.

To make it easy for people to read, please write in big letters.


The characteristic of the Passive Sentence is the use of prefix di-, ter- and ke- and the suffix -an or -kan in verbs.

Transitive sentences can be transformed into passive sentences by:

  • making the object of the active sentence become the subject of the passive sentence
  • replacing the prefix me- with di-, ter- and ke- (see prefix chapter)
  • making the subject of the active sentence become the agent.
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