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Last updated on May 8, 2022

Indonesian PhrasesMeaning
Hotel mana yang paling bagus?Which one is the best hotel?
Hotel apa yang paling mahal?Which hotel is the most expensive one?
Hotel apa yang pelayanannya paling bagus?Which hotel has the best service?
Hotel apa yang lokasinya paling strategis?Which hotel has the most strategic location?
Hotel apa yang lokasinya paling dekat ke Gedung Bursa Efek Jakarta?Which hotel is the closest to the Jakarta Stock Exchange Building?
Berapa tarip kamarnya semalam?What is the room rate per night?
Apakah ada koneksi internet?Does it have internet connection facilities?
Termasuk makan pagi dan antar-jemput airportIncluding breakfast and airport transfers
sabunsoap/shower gel
SpreiBed sheet
AC(pronounce: a – sé)Air-conditiened
Berapa harga pastinya?What is your fixed price?
Berapa harga pasnya?What is your fixed price?
Saya perlu memesan kamar?I need to make a room reservation
Untuk 2 orang selama tiga malamFor two people and three nights
Apakah saya bisa membayar dengan kartu kredit?Do you take credit card?
Saya perlu tukar uangI need to change my money
Money changer dimana pak?Sir, where is money changer?
Money changer dimana pak?Sir, where can I find money changer?
Berapa kurs hari ini?What’s today exchange rate?

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