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Posts published in “Confix ke- + -an”

The negative form

The negative ‘tidak'(not) can combine with some adjectives to form a compound base for ke-..-an nouns, i.e. ke – ROOT WORD – an. These correspond to English…

In prefixed words

The confix ke- + -an can be also attached to words that already have a prefix, such as ber-, se-. Word with Prefix ber- Root: ada [there,…

To form a verb

Many ke + Noun/Adverb + an that form verbs indicate that the subject experiences or suffers from something over which the subject has no control.  Suffer from Certain Conditions…

Dual Meaning

Some ke- + -an words have two meanings. Depending on how we use them, they may indicate one thing or the other. Root word ke-…

To form an adjective

Sense of Excessiveness To form an adjective with a sense of excessiveness and translate into English as ‘too + adjective’ (for example, too small, too…

To form a noun

Confix ‘ke – an’ can form nouns from adjectives, verbs and other classes. Such nouns are generally of an abstract nature. To Identify a State or Condition…

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