Many -i verbs have noun bases. It means ‘apply or give(base) to the object’.
Root: tandatangan
- Create base word with suffix -i: tandatangani (Imperative) – to ask someone to sign
- In a sentence: Mohon tandatangani formulir ini.
- Meaning: Please sign this form.
Add the prefix me-to the base word tandatangani → menandatangani (transitive) – to sign
- In a sentence: Dia menandatangani surat.
- Meaning: She signed the letter.[signature is applied]
Root: hormat
- Create base word with suffix -i: hormati (respect) – to ask someone to respect
- In a sentence: Harap hormati orang yang lebih tua.
- Meaning: Please respect elders.
Add the prefix me-to the base word hormati → menghormati(transitive) – to respect
- In a sentence: Kita harus menghormati orangtua.
- Meaning: We must respect our parents.
Root: warna
- Create base word with suffix -i: warnai (color) – to ask someone to color
- In a sentence: Warnai kotak ini dengan warna biru.
- Meaning: Color this box blue.
Add the prefix me-to the base word warnai → mewarnai transitive) – to color.
- In a sentence: Anak laki itu mewarnai gambarnya.
- Meaning: The boy colored his drawing.[color is applied].
Root: garam
- Create base word with suffix -i: garami (color) – to ask someone to add/put salt
- In a sentence: Garami ayam ini secukupnya.
- Meaning: Add enough salt to this fish.
Add the prefix me-to the base word garami → menggarami
- In a sentence: Ibu menggarami ayam goreng.
- Meaning:The mother seasoned the fried chicken with salt.[salt is applied]