Many ke + Noun/Adverb + an that form verbs indicate that the subject experiences or suffers from something over which the subject has no control.
Suffer from Certain Conditions
- Root: banjir (flood) > ke+banjir+an > kebanjiran (to be caught in flood)
- Root: dingin (cold) > ke+dingin+an > kedinginan (to suffer from cold)
Lack of Control over Emotions
- Root: takut (fear) > ke+takut+an > ketakutan (to be overcome by fear)
- Root: susah (sad) > ke+susah+an > kesusahan (to be overcome by hardship)
Lack of Control over a Situation
- Root: copet (pickpocket) > ke+copet+an > kecopetan (to have one’s pocket picked)
- Root: tidur (sleep) > ke+tidur+an > ketiduran (to fall asleep)