The confix ”se- … -nya” often combines repeated adjective root words to form adverbs indicating the utmost or highest level that is able to be achieved by the action of the root word.
Look at the following examples how the root word go through the process of prefix se- + repeated adjective + suffix -nya:
Root Word | Prefix se- + repeated adjective + suffix -Nya | Meaning |
ada | seada-adanya | whatever there is, as one finds it |
baik | sebaik-baiknya | as good as possible |
banyak | sebanyak-banyaknya | as many as possible |
besar | sebesar-besarnya | as big as possible, deeply great |
buruk | seburuk-buruknya | at worst |
cepat | secepat-cepatnya | as fast as possible |
dikit | sedikit-dikitnya | at the very least |
enak | seenak-enaknya | as one wishes, as one likes |
erat | seerat-eratnya | as tight as possible |
habis | sehabis-habisnya | to the bitter end |
jadi | sejadi-jadinya | with all one’s might |
kuat | sekuat-kuatnya | as strong as possible |
kurang | sekurang-kurangnya | at least |
lama | selama-lamanya | as long as possible, forever |
mau | semau-maunya | as one likes |
pandai | sepandai-pandainya | no matter how good one is |
tidak | setidak-tidaknya | in any case |
In a sentence | |
ada | seada-adanya Adakah dia dapat menerima aku seada-adanya? Can he/she accept as I am? |
baik | sebaik-baiknya Kerjakanlah tugas itu sebaik–baiknya. Do the job as well as you can. |
banyak | sebanyak-banyaknya Mengapa negara tidak mencetak uang sebanyak–banyaknya? Why doesn’t the government print as much money as possible. |
besar | sebesar-besarnya Saya menyampaikan permohonan maaf sebesar – besarnya. I really apologize (profusely). |
buruk | seburuk-buruknya Seburuk-buruknya orang tua, kita tetap harus menghormati mereka. As bad as parents are, we still have to respect them. |
cepat | secepat-cepatnya Kita harus menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini secepat-cepatnya. We must finish this job as soon as possible. |
dikit | sedikit-dikitnya Sedikit-dikitnya yang bisa dia lakukan adalah menenangkan pikirannya. The least he could do was calm his mind. |
enak | seenak-enaknya Seenak enaknya tinggal rumah mertua, lebih enak tinggal di rumah kontrakan sendiri. As good as it is living in the in-laws’ house, it is better to live in your own rented house. |
erat | seerat-eratnya Susi memeluk anaknya seerat-eratnya. Susi hugged her son tightly. |
habis | sehabis-habisnya Dia menentang pendapat itu sehabis-habisnya. He completely opposed that opinion. |
jadi | sejadi-jadinya Ketika putus dengan pacarnya, Nina menangis sejadi-jadinya. When she broke up with her boyfriend, Nina cried uncontrollably. |
kuat | sekuat-kuatnya Dia berusaha sekuat-kuatnya agar tidak menangis di depan umum. He/she is trying his/her best not to cry in public. |
kurang | sekurang-kurangnya Rapat umum tahunan harus dihadiri oleh sekurang-kurangnya 1/3 dari jumlah anggota organisasi. The annual general meeting must be attended by at least 1/3 of the total members of the organization. |
lama | selama-lamanya Dia pergi untuk selama-lamanya. He’s gone for good. |
mau | semau-maunya Sebagai pemimpin bukan berarti dia bisa berbuat semau-maunya. Being a leader doesn’t mean he can do whatever he wants. |
pandai | sepandai-pandainya Sepandai-pandainya manusia, suatu saat pasti pernah melakukan kesalahan juga. No matter how smart people are, one day they will make mistakes too. |
tidak | setidak-tidaknya Setidak-tidaknya butuh waktu dua minggu untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini. It will take at least two weeks to complete this work. |