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Second-person Pronoun Substitutes

Last updated on April 3, 2022

Second-person pronoun substitutes can be very tricky. Engkau, kau and kamu can only be used to address a younger person, one’s subordinate or among good friends. Because of this, kinship terms are used as pronoun substitutes.

Saudara, Saudari

Saudara for male and saudari for female, like anda, is widely used for ‘you’ to people of one’s own age or younger. These second-person pronoun Substitutes have impersonal tone, and it generally used to whom the speaker is not well acquainted.

Bapak, Ibu

These are respectful forms used to older people or to any adult of marriageable age. As pronoun substitutes bapak and ibu can also mean ‘I’. They are restricted to use by older people to younger people, whether their own children or not.

Bapak tinggal di sini?Do you live here?
said to an older man
Ini anak ibu?Is this your child?said to an older woman
Ibu mau ke pasar.I am going to the market.
said by a woman to someone younger
Berikan buku itu pada bapak!Give that book to me.said by a man to a younger person

Pak and bu are the abbreviated forms of bapak and ibu, but they can not be used alone as pronoun substitutes. However, in combination with a name they can be used as terms for reference to a third person or in addressing a second person as pronoun substitutes.

Pak Hasan mau makan sekarang?Do you want to eat now, Mr. Hasan?
as pronoun substitute
Pak Hasan mau makan sekarang?Does Mr. Hasan want to eat now?reference to a third person

Personal Names

Personal names are commonly used as substitutes for ‘I’ and ‘you’, particularly among children.

Dina mau ikut.I want to come.
said by a girl named Dina
Dina mau ikut?
Ini untuk Dina
Do you want to come?
This is for you.
addressed to a girl named Dina
said to a girl named Dina

Total Avoidance or -Nya

When there is uncertainty about how a person should be addressed, Indonesians have a number of strategies for avoiding offense. As a result, they may avoid using a pronoun altogether, or use third person-nya. In this case, the pronoun ‘-nya‘ is not used as a third person pronoun but as a second-person pronoun.

Tinggal dimana?Where do (you) live?avoid using a pronoun
Dimana rumahnya?Where do you live?use –nya as a second-person pronoun

Other Terms

Pronoun SubstitutesMeaningApplication
gue, gua;I, my, me;Colloquial Jakartan, only used among very closed friends
elo, elu, luyouColloquial Jakartan, only used among very closed friends
abangbig brother
informal, neutral, singular, to older male
adikyounger brother/sister
informal, neutral, singular, to younger person
om; tante
uncle; aunt(Dutch)for older person, more informal than bapak, ibu
mas; mbak
older brother; older sister(Javanese)
informal, polite, can be used to older or younger people

To get a better picture, you can read “Question Words for Asking for What You Want in Indonesian“.

Reference:Indonesian Reference Grammar by James Neil Sneddon, 1996.

About the author: James Neil Sneddon, PhD. was Associate Professor in the School of Languages and Linguistics at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. He has many years’ experience in the teaching of Indonesian language and linguistics. He studied Linguistics and Indonesian at the University of Sydney. He obtained his PhD in Linguistics in 1974 at the Australian National University. His thesis topic was “Tondano Phonology and Grammar”.

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