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To form the comparative and superlative in Indonesian, you add ”lebih” for comparative and ”paling” or ”ter-” for superlative.

  • big – besar
  • bigger – lebih besar
  • biggest – paling besar / terbesar

 Making Comparisons and Judgements

1. Lebih (more, -er)

  • Saya kira Pak Wayan lebih ahli.
  • I think Mr. Wayan is more expert.
  • Ibu Maria lebih tua daripada Saudara Nur.
  • Mrs. Maria is older than Miss Nur.
  • Ada lebih banyak orang di desa Simpang daripada di desa Baun.
  • There are more people in the village of Simpang than in the village of Baun.
  • Pak Wayan sudah tua tetapi Pak Dendy lebih tua lagi.
  • Mr. Wayan is old, but Mr. Dendy is even older.

2. Terlalu (too)

  • Saya kira Saudara Nur terlalu muda.
  • I think Miss Nur is too young.
  • Dia berbicara terlalu banyak!
  • He talks too much!

3. Kalah (to lose, to be defeated, to lose out in comparison with…)

  • Menurut pendapat saya Ibu Maria kalah dengan Pak Dendy.
  • In my opinion, Mrs. Maria is not as good as Mr. Dendy.
  • Sebagai pegawai kantor, Pak Wayan sama sekali tidak kalah dengan Bu Maria.
  • As an office worker, Mr. Wayan is in no way inferior to Mrs. Maria.
  • Ibu Maria kalah cepatnya dengan Pak Wayan.
  • Mrs. Maria is not as quick as Mr. Wayan.
  • Yusuf tidak kalah pintar dengan Agus.
  • Yusuf is by no means less smart than Agus.

4. Kurang (not _____ enough, not really ______)

  • Ibu Maria kurang berpengalaman kalau dibandingkan dengan Pak Dendy.
  • Mrs. Maria is not experienced enough compared with Mr. Dendy.
  • Menurut saya, Pak Dendy kurang pandai mengurus keuangan.
  • In my opinion, Mr. Dendy is not really good at handling finances.

5. Cukup (quite, fairly)

  • Dia menulis buku informasi tentang kesehatan masyarakat yang cukup berguna.
  • He/She has written a book of information on public health that is quite useful.
  • Tugas ini cukup sulit.
  • This task is fairly difficult.

6. Sama (the same, just as _____ as)

  • Saya kira bekerja di desa dan bekerja di kota hampir sama.
  • I think working in the country and working in the city are almost the same.
  • Pak Wayan sama ahlinya dengan Bu Maria.
  • Mr. Wayan is just as expert as Mrs. Maria.

7. Paling (the most ______, more than anything else)

  • Siapa yang paling rajin, Pak Wayan atau Bu Maria?
  • Who is the most conscientious, Mr. Wayan or Mrs. Maria?
  • Sdr Nur paling suka bekerja dengan anak kecil.
  • Miss Nur likes working with children more than anything else.
  • Saya memilih Saudara Nur. Dia yang paling ramah!
  • I am choosing Miss Nur. She is the most friendly!
  • Paling sedikit harus ada dua orang yang melakukan tugas ini.
  • There need to be at least two people who do this job.
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