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Imperative Sentences

Imperative SentenceTranslationNote
Ayo duduk.Come on, sit down.Command, invitation or offering in more informal way.
DuduklahDo sit.Command, more polite.
Tolong ambilkan buku saya.Please get me my book.Request, more polite.
Silakan duduk.Please sit down.Request
Izinkan saya menyampaikan sepatah dua patah kata.Allow me to say one or two words.Request
Harap Anda tunggu di luar.Please wait outside.Formal request, but you are expected to comply.
Mohon Anda tunggu di luar.Please wait outside.Formal request, but it has a sense of urgency and pleading
Mari kita makan sekarang.Let’s eat now.Invitation
Ayo, habiskan kue itu.Come, finish the cake.Command, invitation or offering in more informal way.
Awas ada anjing.Beware of dog.Warning.
Jangan buang sampah di sini.Don’t throw rubbish here.Warning. Neutral in terms of politeness and formality.
Tolong jangan buang sampah di sini.Please don’t throw rubbish here.Warning but the addition of ‘tolong’ makes a polite prohibition.
Mohon jangan buang sampah di sini.Please don’t throw rubbish here.The addition of ‘mohon’ makes it formal, impersonal command.
Ayo jangan buang sampah di sini.Come on, don’t throw rubbish here.The addition of ‘ayo’ makes it sound as informal urging.
Awas! Jangan buang sampah di sini.Beware! Don’t throw rubbish here.The addition of ‘awas’ creates a serious warning.
Dilarang buang sampah di sini.Do not throw rubbish here.Dilarang, literally means ‘it is prohibited. The word is used primarily for public notices (official prohibitions).
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