Imperative Sentence | Translation | Note |
Duduk! | Sit. | Command |
Ayo duduk. | Come on, sit down. | Command, invitation or offering in more informal way. |
Duduklah | Do sit. | Command, more polite. |
Tolong ambilkan buku saya. | Please get me my book. | Request, more polite. |
Silakan duduk. | Please sit down. | Request |
Izinkan saya menyampaikan sepatah dua patah kata. | Allow me to say one or two words. | Request |
Harap Anda tunggu di luar. | Please wait outside. | Formal request, but you are expected to comply. |
Mohon Anda tunggu di luar. | Please wait outside. | Formal request, but it has a sense of urgency and pleading |
Mari kita makan sekarang. | Let’s eat now. | Invitation |
Ayo, habiskan kue itu. | Come, finish the cake. | Command, invitation or offering in more informal way. |
Awas ada anjing. | Beware of dog. | Warning. |
Jangan buang sampah di sini. | Don’t throw rubbish here. | Warning. Neutral in terms of politeness and formality. |
Tolong jangan buang sampah di sini. | Please don’t throw rubbish here. | Warning but the addition of ‘tolong’ makes a polite prohibition. |
Mohon jangan buang sampah di sini. | Please don’t throw rubbish here. | The addition of ‘mohon’ makes it formal, impersonal command. |
Ayo jangan buang sampah di sini. | Come on, don’t throw rubbish here. | The addition of ‘ayo’ makes it sound as informal urging. |
Awas! Jangan buang sampah di sini. | Beware! Don’t throw rubbish here. | The addition of ‘awas’ creates a serious warning. |
Dilarang buang sampah di sini. | Do not throw rubbish here. | Dilarang, literally means ‘it is prohibited. The word is used primarily for public notices (official prohibitions). |
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