Supaya is used to offer advice or make suggestions. Supaya appears after certain verbs that ask (e.g. minta), recommend (e.g. menyarankan), suggest (e.g. mengusulkan), advise (e.g. menasihatkan) or express a wish (e.g. ingin). Supaya, like bahwa, introduces a clause that tells you what these verbs relate to. Supaya is often like the English conjunction “that” in sentences like “I ask that you all remain calm.”, “The committee recommended that the bridge not be built.” and “I suggest that you take her advice.” In most contexts, supaya implies an intention, expectation or hope that a certain end will be reached.
Study these examples.
- Saya minta supaya Anda minum obat ini tiga kali sehari.
- I would like you to take this medicine three times a day.
- Saya minta supaya Bapak jangan bermain tenis lagi.
- I would like you to give up playing tenis.
- Saya mengusulkan supaya Ibu makan lebih banyak buah.
- I suggest that you eat more fruit.
- Saya mengusulkan supaya anak Ibu jangan diizinkan bermain di sungai.
- I suggest that you don’t allow your son to play in the river.
- Saya menyarankan supaya luka itu segera diobati.
- I recommend that that wound be treated right away.
- Saya menyarankan supaya Ibu segera masuk rumah sakit.
- I recommend that you go into hospital right away.
- Saya menyarankan supaya Bapak jangan masuk kantor dulu.
- I recommend that you don’t go to work for the time being