Indonesian verbs do not change according to number or tense, and there is no differentiation between the masculine and the feminine.
You can learn how to build basic sentences in Indonesian here. Unlike English, Indonesian verbs don’t change depending on tense. Indicating the past or future tense only requires inserting words that indicate the time, in a very regular system.
- Saya minum kopi.
- I drink coffee.
- Saya belum minum kopi.
- I haven’t drinken coffee yet.
- Saya telah minum kopi.
- I drank or have drinken coffee.
- Saya sudah minum kopi.
- I drank or have drinken coffee)
- Saya akan minum kopi besok.
- I will drink coffee tomorrow.
- Saya mau minum kopi.
- I want to drink coffee.
- Saya sedang minum kopi.
- I am drinking coffee.
- Saya minum kopi kemarin
- I drank coffee yesterday.
- Kemarin, saya minum kopi.
- Yesterday, I drank coffee.