Last updated on January 16, 2024
Prefix ter- + reduplicated verbs usually describe unintentional ongoing action or uncontrollable situations.
- Root word: kantuk (drowsiness/sleepiness)
- Prefix ter- + reduplication: terkantuk-kantuk (dozing off)
- Root word: gesa (hurry)
- Prefix ter- + reduplication: tergesa-gesa (in a hurry)
- Root word: sipu (feel shy)
- Prefix ter- + reduplication: tersipu-sipu (shyly -of facial expression)
- Root word: bahak (burst of laughter)
- Prefix ter- + reduplication: terbahak-bahak (bursting with laughter)
Sometimes there is another verb in front of these ter- verbs to exagerate the situation. However, the English translation remains the same.
- Saya tertawa terbahak-bahak ketika menonton komedi.
- I roared with laughter when I watched the comedy.