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Suffix -kan to form an Imperative verb

Suffix -kan can be used as imperatives, instructions, or commands. This often used in recipes or manuals.

Many Indonesian publications will have this most common suffix too. The suffix -kan is often attached to prefix me- words to make them transitive. The suffix -kan change predicates from intransitive to transitive verb.


  • Panaskan minyak lalu tumis bawang putih dan bawang merah hingga harum.
  • Heat the oil and fry the garlic and onion until fragrant.
  • Masukkan tanggal lahir Anda di kolom yang tersedia.
  • Enter your date of birth in the column provided.
  • Letakkan buku pada tempatnya sesudah selesai membaca. 
  • Put the book in its place after you finish reading.
  • Tolong belikan saya obat di apotik. 
  • Please buy me medicine from the pharmacy.

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