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Posts tagged as “indonesian”

Indonesia, The Dutch East Indies

The Dutch East Indies, or Netherlands East Indies, was formed as a colony of the Netherlands in 1800 when the country nationalized the Dutch East…

Translating Indonesia

I still remember very vividly the moment I became hooked on the study of Indonesia and on the mystery of translation between Indonesian and English.…

Language is a Business Tool

Corporate and public organisations now operate on a global scale. Whether dealing with an overseas client, colleague or supplier, or exploring a new business partnership.…

Western Loanwords in Indonesian

Indonesian has thousands of words that resemble English words. Lots of them serve an obvious purpose: they fill a gap in the vocabulary. Examples of these are…

Indonesian has no verb “to be”

The basic sentence in Indonesian is often said to consist of a “topic” (the thing or person that is the beginning point for what you…

Being Polite in Public

Posted by ‘The Indonesian Way’, a textbook for the Indonesian language by George Quinn and Uli Kozok. Expressions of disagreement are often prefaced with an…

Arabic loanwords in Indonesian revisited

How did Arabic loanwords end up in Indonesian?1 Various answers to this intriguing question have been put forward in an effort to trace the long road these…


Most Indonesians are Muslims. Many follow the orthodox requirement to pray to God five times a day. Before praying you must prepare yourself physically and…

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