Last updated on May 8, 2022
These are the six main colours in Indonesian:
hitam (black),
merah (red),
hijau (green),
biru (blue),
putih (white) and
kuning (yellow).
Mobil merah
Red car
Apa warna mobil Anda?
What colour is your car?
Apa warna kursi di kamar duduk Anda?
What colour is the chair in your sitting room?
Apakah Anda suka warna kuning?
Do you like yellow?
In Indonesian we use the word “muda” (literally means young) for light color and “tua” (literally means old) for dark color.
For example: merah muda (light red), merah tua (dark red), biru muda (light blue) and biru tua (dark blue).
Other colors are ungu (purple), oranye or jingga (orang), coklat (brown), abu-abu (grey), krem (cream) and jambon or ping (pink).
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