Last updated on May 8, 2022
Indonesians love to dine out and there is hardly any street where there is not a food outlet. The simplest eateries are called warung. These are either stationary or they are erected in the late afternoon. A meal in such a food stall usually is very very cheap. The most common term for restaurant is rumah makan and refers to stationary restaurants with chairs rather than wooden benches. The term rumah makan can refer to a cheap restaurant not much different from a warung but can also refer to high-class restaurants. The Dutch loanword restoran is usually reserved for better restaurants.
Indonesian Words | Meaning |
menu | menu |
harga | price |
piring | plate |
piring kosong | extra plate, ‘kosong’ literally means empty |
sendok | spoon |
garpu | fork |
pisau | knife |
serbet makan | napkin |
garam | salt |
merica or lada | pepper |
sambal | chilli sauce |
saus tomat | tomato ketchup |
kecap manis | sweet soy sauce |
kecap asin | salt soy sauce |
satu porsi | one portion |
satu portion lagi | one more portion |
kasir | cashier |
bon | bill |
Bisa minta bon? | Can I have the bill? |
mas | common term to call a male waiter/staff |
mbak (pronounced: m-ba’) | common term to call a female waiterstaff |
terima kasih | thank you |
enak | delicious |
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